[click on the image to enlarge]
This ToOL automatically ping your connection speed at start-up and set-up duels amount which can be easily handle.. Mean, connection speed based logins.. Multiple sockets... each socket f0r each type of w0rk..
Kicking Mode
Kick, Ban/Unbann, + - Moderators everything at furious speed just click and try t0 see the blink...
Tw0 Target lists t0 set-p and caught 42 enemies.. you cant work with both at a time.. select then use.
Auto user list in (+ & -)
Loop, Cpu processing monitor...
Flooding Mode
PVT text Flooding in superbb speed.
Creat unlimited GC windows, speed and quantity of GC depends on quantity of duels.. more connection speed means more duels.
Send emails.. Do not send send too much otherwise your admin's inbox gonna b full after your enemie's.. with delivery failure emails.. L0lz.
Roll Flooding.. well its n0t so fast and strong.. c0z mig is skipping Enter/Left inf0 text but its good t0 give s0me fun... Roll count, t0 count amount of rolling.
Target status.. If its red, its mean enemy has been targeted and g0t dc.. green means id is still there to receive more flooding.. mean give m0re.. Black mean tool is not flooding or has been disconnected.
Flooding status.. If your ID stopped flooding then its gonna b red.. Green means flooding in process.
Force st0p.. Just for stop flooding.. Unfortunately if some components of tool get hanged while flooding then its gonna help too, y0 can use this separate button t0 stop flooding.
Status and Logs.. Full status of login... With log list you can view all banned/unbanned users.. This tool always store banned/unbanned users log list in a HTML.
:::Some Enjoying Tips And Tricks:::
You can use roll flooding to make invisible multy entry.. just enter any multy or any id while rolling.
Make your multy moderator to make unlimited roll and enter/left flooding als0 make text flooding.
y0w can caught 42 enemies with Tw0 Target lists at a superb speed.. Tw0 Target lists helps when enemy come in room with random idz and multy just set his multy in target list one and control others with second target list.. as multy come select 1st Target list and g0t HiM.
Use normal length text in pvt f0r fast flooding.. Do not use too long. Mute your target t0 b more fast in flooding.